
This paper discusses sexuality and Buddhism in North India.

This paper discusses the Buddhist religion in North India focusing on it’s sexual and religious ideologies. The author investigates what sexual relationships are prohibited and how pleasure is viewed in Buddhism. Marriage and other religious beliefs are examined as well as the strong ethical guidelines regarding sexual behavior.
Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world, exceeded only by Christianity, Islam and Hinduism (Robinson, 1982). The Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, founded Budhiam in Northern India. When Buddha was 29, he left his wife, children and community involvements in order to seek truth and Nirvana. At the time, it was acceptable for men to leave their family and seek spiritual enlightenment. Buddha rejecting both extremes of the mortification of the flesh and of hedonism as paths toward the state of Nirvana (Warren, 1963). Buddha spread the belief that in order to live a life without pain and suffering, people are required to eliminate any attachments to worldly goods. Only when this is accomplished will they be afforded peace and happiness.