
A review of Siddharta Gautama’s unique path towards enlightenment and Nirvana and eventually becoming the Buddha.

This paper examines the works and life of Siddharta Gautama, considered to be the primary and first Buddha to achieve enlightenment and pass away attaining paranibbana, which means dying a peaceful death. It examines his doctrines which became the primary teachings of the Buddhist religion otherwise known as the four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path and the concepts of enlightenment, Nirvana and paranibbana. It concludes by showing how through Siddharta’s own way of reliving and indoctrinating the experiences of the Buddhas, many followers of Buddhism are now leading the path to goodness and simple living and Buddhism has now developed into a major religious movement.
“When Siddharta, living a comfortable life as a prince in his palace in Nepal, discovered the pain and suffering of human life outside the confines of his kingdom, he resolved to find a way wherein humans will no longer go through suffering, and to discover this way, he must go through deep and long meditation. When he emerged from this long meditation, Siddharta Gautama had already achieved newfound wisdom and purity of soul and thoughts, and thus entitled him to be the Buddha. After his meditation, Siddharta chronicled and documented his religious experience under the bod tree.”