British and Japanese Educational Systems

An analysis of the characteristics of and differences between British and Japanese educational systems.

This paper discusses the education systems in both Britain where it is similar to that in the U.S. and Japan which has one of the most rigorous educational systems in the world. It briefly describes the structure of both systems and the level of involvement of the government in both countries in setting the curriculum as well as relevant statistics. It provides a compare and contrast analysis between the education systems in both countries highlighting definite similarities such as compulsory education between the ages of 5 and 16 and major differences such as social problems in Japan due to pressures to excel. Common issues in both the British and Japanese education systems are enhancing diversity, providing children with the tools necessary to remain current with technological advances, strengthening the relationship between schools, families, and communities.
“There are two parallel educational systems in Britain: the state system, where education is provided free, and the independent system, where parents normally pay fees. (The British Education System). Nearly 1 in 13 British school-age children are in the independent system. (The British Education System). Britain has a national curriculum, i.e., a statement of the minimum learning requirements of all children at each stage in their education. (The British Education System). This curriculum is compulsory in the state system and while independent schools are not bound by it, most of them teach what the national curriculum demands. (The British Education System).”