Blake and Wordsworth

This paper reviews several poems of two poets who have maintained their popularity as Romantic poets, William Blake and William Wordsworth.

This paper explains that William Blake challenges us with his imaginative musings; perhaps, the greatest example of this type of writing can be seen in his ?The Marriage of Heaven and Hell,? in which Blake engages the reader in a language full of twists and turns and forces the reader to think about social, political and religious oppression. The author points out that, different from Blake, William Wordsworth is famous for using nature to coerce the reader to think outside what is comfortable, as seen in poem, ?I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud?. The paper concludes that, although William Blake and William Wordsworth are very different poets, both excel at challenging the reader to think beyond what the world considers normal boundaries.
“Blake’s poem, London also illustrates a certain misery by observing society. The poet reveals to us what he sees as he wanders through the streets. He comments on marks of weakness, marks of woe (4) in every face he encounters. Additionally, he hears every cry of man (5). This image presents us with a miserable portrait of London. It is interesting to note that nothing that escapes the talons of this misery. The infants, the soldiers, the church, and the palace are infected with misery. The poet implies that the church ignores the cries emanating the mind-forged manacles (8).”