Behavioral Genetics

An examination of the benefits of behavioral genetics when it comes to the gene linked to alcoholism.

This paper discusses how behavioral genetics is an important contributor to the discovery and treatment of alcoholism. It explores the limitations of such theories and discusses the future benefits and limitations of exploring behavioral genetics when it comes to alcoholic patterns. It also examines how society must be careful to not place all of its decision making in the hands of a probable gene and how it must remember to use the knowledge gained by behavioral genetics to make informed decisions when it comes to alcoholism by coupling it with other aspects of its development.
“Behavior genetic research has far reaching implications for current and future needs. One of the problems that is currently a concern when it come to behaviorial genetic research is that it can cause problems for people in the future. If insurance companies ever decide to start testing potential policy seekers for genes that predispose them to diseases they may refuse to underwrite those seekers on the basis that they may come up with at a later date. Behavioral genetics at this time is not an exacting science when it comes to alcohol. It can point to the probability that several genes are involved in the development of alcoholism and this may also explain why those with the alcohol gene do not all become alcoholics even if they drink socially.”