Avoiding Overpopulation in the U.S.

A discussion of population control in the United States.

This paper examines what has lead to a stable population growth in the United States. It looks at steps and programs taken by the government to ensure this trend continues and also looks at other factors beyond the government’s control which could prove problematic in the future – immigration, longevity. The paper addresses the issues of sex education, quality of life and birth control.
The United States has managed to achieve a stable reproductive rate. That is, as of 1999, our fertility rate is 2.0, meaning that for each two adults we are having two children. (Carter, 1999) This has no doubt been accomplished because we have learned about how to apply population control within our families. However, it does not mean the United States will never have any problems with population growth in the future. The fertility rate doesn’t take immigration into consideration or the fact that many people are living many more years than they used to. It makes sense, then, to continue to concern ourselves about population growth.