Assisted Suicide

An argumentative paper about the negative side of the controversial topic – assisted suicide.

The paper argues against the practice of assisted suicide, which is now quite common in the United States. The paper discusses the issue from ethical as well as legal perspective and explains why the Court should never sanction this practice.
“Assisted suicide is one of those burning issues, which give rise to ethical quandaries, not to mention extreme public fury. People are of the view that while we do have a right to live, we certainly do not have a right to bring an end to our own lives because the principle of dignity of human life doesn’t permit such an action. However over the years, many complex cases in this connection have surfaced, some of which even reached the Supreme Court. It is important to understand that law in many states prohibits physician-assisted suicide even though this practice prevails in many hospitals nationwide. What a physician decides with his patient in the privacy of his clinic is something solely connected with the doctor’s moral and ethical principles, however we need to bear in mind that court in many cases has reiterated its stand on the issue by strongly opposing all forms of physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients.”