Arthur Schlesinger’s A Thousand Days: Kennedy in the White House

This paper discusses Arthur Schlesinger’s A Thousand Days: Kennedy in the White House, an overview of the Kennedy administration’s accomplishments and crisis from the point of view of a member of the Kennedy circle as well as a historian.

Arthur Meier Schlesinger, Jr., author, historian, political scientist, son of an author and historian, professor of history at Harvard University, special presidential assistant from 1961-1963, eminent man of American letters, would seem to be overly well-qualified to write what he calls a personal memoir of the days when John Fitzgerald Kennedy occupied 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C..

Schlesinger, born in Columbus, Ohio, October 15, 1917, was a contemporary of the assassinated president. An alumnus of Harvard, he was an associate professor of history from 1946 to …