Art and the Modern Era

This paper talks about defining art as a historical narrative into the 21st century.

This paper introduces art history and its meaning. It then focuses on modern art and shows that with the introduction of technology, post modern art has broken many boundaries. The paper shows that, in a culture that is enveloped in technology, artists who are a direct reflection of their culture cannot stay away from entering the digital world of art. The paper touches on subjects such as creative advertising, computer animation and computer graphics.
“Art becomes significant because it is able to hold the power to express important things that would most likely remain unstated in any other form of communication. This force of expression is found in the supreme monuments of our time, the icons that represent greatness of modern art works that have been able to continue and triumph over the fashionable animosity that greeted their first appearance. Great art can stand-alone and directly speak to the on-looking viewer, in spite of how we or other writers may choose to explain it.”