Army Recruitment

This study investigates the relationship between the assigned Army recruiter’s recruiting mission and their production output.

The hypothesis of this paper is that there is a positive relationship between providing recruiters with an individual mission assignment and their individual production. The Army promotes teamwork, and Army recruiting supports this by assigning station mission goals. This study determines whether individual mission assignments produce better individual results than station results. One of the measurements of a successful recruiter is the amount of contracts produced per year. Two geographically separate companies of recruiters with an 18-question questionnaire were surveyed ; also gathered was past production data for some of the recruiters who have worked both types of mission assignments. The hypothesis was supported.
The job of finding quality men and women to serve in the U.S. Army is that of the United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC). There are approximately 15,000 Army recruiters and guidance counselors that staff and support more than 1,700 recruiting stations and 64 Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS)(Documentum, 2003). It is not unusual for the USAREC mission to be between 80,000 and 100,000 persons per year (Documentum, 2003). With this in mind, USAREC employs different strategies and mission assignments to produce the most effective way of recruitment.