Argument of Contingency

A philosophical discussion of the issue of whether or not God exists.

This paper examines the views of four philosophers, Samuel Clarke, Thomas Aquinas, Father F. C. Copleston and Bertrand Russell on the “argument from contingency” i.e. a basic five-step process that clarifies the issue of whether or not God exists. It provides a definition of contingent, that people are contingent on many things outside of themselves for existence, as is the universe and everything in it and shows how each philosopher in turn has his own version of its interpretation.
“In the early 1700’s, English philosopher Samuel Clarke wrote an essay titled The Argument From Contingency, in which he stated two possibilities for the contingent cosmological argument. (Hick, 1970) According to Clarke, since the beginning of time, there may have been one unchangeable and independent being from which all other beings that are or have been in the universe have received their original. Or there may have been an infinite succession of changeable and dependent beings produced one from the other with no original cause.”