Approaches to Psychological Mental Disorders

Examines genetic, psychoanalytic, environmental, sociological, and biological treatment approaches to mental disorders.

Throughout the history of the discipline of psychology, there have been numerous paradigmatic shifts in viewing the human mind and the human psychological condition. Today, much lip service has been paid to the idea that all psychological mental disorders are holistic in nature. In other words, it is assumed that individuals are not “all body” or “all mind”, in accordance with the traditional Cartesian mind/body duality. This paper looks at the current theory that an individual’s genetic makeup, past history, and current physical and psychological environment are all engaged in a complex series of intricate interactions that produce the self that the therapist must treat essay writer canada, to the best of his or her ability, with the tools of therapy, medication, and analysis, depending upon his or her field of expertise.
Eating disorders are an interesting example of how important it is to examine causality and treatment through a variety of guises, as what seems to cause the disorder, such as a low serotonin level present in anorexics, may be a symptom of starvation. However, serotonin is also linked to chemical reasons for the development of depression, which may also be linked to the reasons for the eating disorder being developed in the patient as a coping strategy. Low serotion levels may have genetic roots in the development of the disorder as well, which cause parents to place pressure upon the child because of their own inability to deal with stress. (Misra & Soka, et. al, 2003)