Apple Computer

The paper looks at the economic forecast of Apple Computer.

The paper shows that Apple Computer has had a roller coaster existence since its founding in 1977. Its PC market lead shot down in the early 1980’s by IBM, Apple has had an on-again-off-again profile ever since. The paper discusses the many predictions to Apple’s end for over a decade. However, although, Apple has never been able to regain its lead foothold on the market, some feel it is far from folding. The paper looks at Apple’s financial situation, its intentions for its many profitless stores and its future marketing strategies.
In July 2002, Apple reported a slide in quarterly earnings and revenue. This was a blow to the recovery it began a year ago. Earnings fell to $32 million or 9 cents per share in its fiscal third quarter from $61 million or 17 cents per diluted share a year earlier and $40 million or 11 cents per share in the March quarter (Apple pg). Apple’s sales were $1.43 billion after $1.48 billion from the previous year, and $1.5 billion in the March quarter, which Apple originally had expected to improve on by $100 million