
Sociocultural relevance of the novel “Don Quixote” by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, with reference to chivalry.

Examines how the character of Don Quixote is the anti-thesis of the usual image of chivalrous knights. It shows how instead of princesses, Don Quixote manages to save women that are far from the image of a princess, and he even sometimes helps people who are actually outlaws and thieves, which is actually a contradiction of his own concept of chivalry.
“One good example of such criticism can be found in Chapters 69-71 of the Second Volume of “Don Quixote.” In the said chapters, Don Quixote and his sidekick Sancho Panza arrive at the court of the Duke and Duchess and bear witness to the funeral of Altisidora. Altisidora is said to be a female servant of the royal couple who loved Don Quixote so much, but this love was never reciprocated by Don Quixote, who loves Dulcinea (his imagined lover) so much. The Duke and Duchess declare that Altisidora will be spared from death, that is, she will live again, if and only if Don Quixote will allow Sancho Panza to be slapped and pricked by the Duchess’ female servants. Because of the great responsibility that was given to him, and amazed of the fact that Sancho Panza has the power to return the dead from the living again, he consented to the Duchess and Duke’s appeal after conferring and pleading with Sancho.”