
An examination of the medical condition – aneurysms, the swelling of blood vessels in the brain.

The paper shows how there is a common misconception in people that having an aneurysm means bleeding in the brain when in fact an aneurysm is a balloon-like swelling in a blood vessel that can affect any large vessel in your body; these larger vessels being arteries. The paper examines the risk for the patient, the difficulty in diagnosing them and the various treatments available.
“It is extremely difficult to diagnose an aneurysm. Having a thin body and a moderately large sized aneurysm is the ideal conditions in which you or your doctor may be able to detect one. Most of the aneurysms are discovered as a result of medical imaging for other conditions, by ultrasound exams, CAT scans, MRI’s, or even plain X-rays of the abdomen. Aneurysms are also detected by physical exam, on a basic chest or stomach X ray, or by using ultrasound. The size and location can be found through echocardiography or radiological imaging, such as arteriography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed topography (CT) scanning.”