Ancient Egyptian Costume

A history of ancient Egyptian costume.

This paper explores ancient Egyptian costume for both men , women and children and how clothing styles and textiles used changed throughout the years. The paper discusses aromas and embellishments Egyptians used for their clothes and how they were reflected by the social divisions. The paper looks at the differences in the dress of the wealthy, priests and Pharaohs to the rest of the population and shows how over time, costumes and clothes became more complex and decorated
“Women manufactured the cloth and mostly did it at home, but there were workshops run by noblemen. Beating and combing turned the flax plants into fibers, which could be spun into thread. he weaving was done at first on horizontal looms, which were often just pegs rammed into the ground, where the workers had to crouch on the floor. The tools such as knives, scissors and needles changed over the centuries. Blades were made from flint and bone during the Neolithic, then from copper, from bronze during the Middle Kingdom and finally from iron.
“The dress that was worn was like tunics made of linen with fringes hanging about the legs, called “calasiris,” and loose white woolen cloaks over these. The clothes were generally kept simple: a short loincloth resembling a kilt for men, a dress with straps for women. These basic garments with minor variations accounting for social status and wealth didn’t change much through Egypt’s history. (”