An Examination of Aspects of Naval Command

The author discusses the characteristics necessary for successful naval command.

A look at the leadership skills required for naval command. The author discusses the characteristics necessary for successful naval command: resilience, toughness, ruthlessness, and examines how these apply in case study examples.
‘Leadership and command are dependent on a complex mixture of several factors that make any attempt to quantify the qualities as a concept elusive. In any situation, which is of itself a huge variable, the opportunities presented and the individual personality and capacity must be analyzed in conjunction with, and often juxtaposed against, the context. Thus in many respects leadership and command can only really be studied on a case by case basis. In terms of naval command the problem is compounded by the medium itself, the sea. When the entropy of war is the background to which the particular scenario is set the problem of quantification would seem to be even more difficult.’