An Analysis of Modern Aviation Safety Issues

A comprehensive examination of the human factors and the hardware involved in ensuring safe air travel today.

There is no question that safety measures substantially contribute to the cost of purchasing an aircraft, but the cost of safety only begins with the purchase price. Further costs are incurred in performing, logging, and storing records of maintenance procedures and routine safety inspections. This paper explains, however, that it is not possible to gauge the worth of a human life in terms of dollars, and those trusting their lives to experienced pilots and proven aircraft need to be assured that their choice to fly was a prudent one. This research shows that the effects of deregulation have created an enormous increase in air travel, as well as private ownership of aircraft. The aviation industry continues to demonstrate significant progress in achieving better safety records and enjoys an enviable safety reputation. This paper provides a review of the literature to examine the human factors as well as the hardware involved in ensuring safe air travel, followed by a description of the research methodology used. The results of the research are followed by a discussion of the issues identified and the conclusions reached as a result. The research project recommendations conclude the paper.

List of Tables
List of Figures
I Introduction
II Review of Relevant Literature and Research.
III. Research Methodology.
Research Technique
Research Design
Survey Population
Sources of Data
The Data Gathering Instrument
Pilot Study
Distribution Method
Treatment of Data and Procedures
IV. Results
V. Discussion
VI. Conclusions
VII. Recommendations
“The first successful airplane flights did not take place until 1903. Yet today, airplanes affect the lives of people almost everywhere. Giant airliners carry passengers and cargo between the world’s major cities in a matter of hours. Planes and helicopters rush medicine and other supplies to the farthest islands and deepest jungles. Farmers use airplanes to seed fields, count livestock, and spray crops. Aviation has also changed the way nations make war. Modern warfare depends on the instant striking power of jet fighters and bombers and the rapid supply capabilities of jet transports. Helicopters and other special aircraft have also been important in military aviation over the last 40 years. Hundreds of thousands of airplanes are used throughout the world. They range from small planes with room for only a pilot to enormous jumbo jets, which can carry hundreds of passengers. To produce and operate all these airplanes requires the skills of millions of workers in many countries from the engineers who design the planes to the mechanics and pilots who service and fly them. Many government agencies also work to make flying safer and more dependable. All these activities together make up the aviation industry. The industry’s two major branches are the manufacture of aircraft and aircraft components, such as engines, and the operation of airlines. The manufacture of aircraft, together with the manufacture of spacecraft, missiles, and related electronic equipment, is often called the aerospace industry.”