Advanced Placement Courses

Produced as a report to investigate the allocation of funding to a school district to finance honors study courses.

This paper is written as report in reply to a school board’s Request for Proposal (RFP) that was released to its educational researching and consulting program. The report is produced by the large urban school district somewhere in the northeastern United States, which is currently in the process of implementing a series of advanced placement and honors study courses for their core curriculum courses in three senior high schools. Prior to the district administrators feeling confident that they can indeed approve and eventually allocate the necessary funding for the proposed advanced placement and or honors study courses, the board’s leaders have allocated funding to undergo a thorough planning study that will help facilitate and provide a clear picture of the overall process of implementing the new advanced placement and or honors study courses in the three district high schools. This proposal provides a hypothesis; a background that provides the school board with an understanding of the nature and scope of the advanced placement and/or honors courses; a statement of the issues and problems when implementing such courses in urban schools; a methodological section that provides details on the procedures proposed; analytic methods used; and the potential significance of the project. The paper includes a graph.
“Urban schools present a particular challenge to school leadership. However, when educational leaders champion the diversity and commit themselves to serving the student bodies within the urban community, these schools have an opportunity to become both academic and social diamonds in the rough. These goldmines can offer new and positive opportunities. The school system through this program has decided to increase the amount of money spent per pupil and this offers an incentive for experienced teachers. “In our large cities, the majority of young Americans end compulsory education in high schools that feel oppressive at worst and irrelevant at best, despite the well intentioned best efforts of the adults who serve them. If education is to be the practice of freedom, then we are not yet free, and some of us are freer than others.” (Jubb) Smaller but more challenging classes will encourage teachers to teach those disgruntled levels of students.”