
An analysis of adultery caused by the empty nest syndrome.

This paper discusses adultery and its causes. The paper focuses on the empty nest syndrome and presents various points about the syndrome and how it may contribute to an extramarital affair. In addition, the writer provides suggestions on how to avoid empty nest syndrome based adultery.
“In recent years the topic of adultery has moved from hushed whispers behind closed doors to the evening news and presidential inquests. Adultery has been splashed on every magazine cover, and discussed on every talk show and is no longer the taboo topic that it used to be. There are many situations that trigger adultery including the empty nest syndrome. When children grow up and move away the parents are often left with an almost bottomless pit of loneliness and emptiness. This can cause someone to turn to outside companionship in an effort to fill that void, and the result is an extra marital affair. There are many reasons that an empty next leads to an affair and there are several things that can be done to counteract its temptation.”