Achilles Tendon

An explanation of the Achilles tendon.

This paper begins by describing the Achilles tendon as the tough tissue that connects the calf muscles, also known as gastroenemius and the soleneus, to the heel bone, also known as calcaneus. The writer explains how this area came to be called by its name. The paper then shows how damage is sometimes caused to this tendon, and what treatments are used.
“Tendonitis and tendon rupture are characterized by swelling, tenderness and bruising. Sometimes, the tendon separates from the bone and that is not observed from X-rays. X-rays do help make a diagnosis if the rupture causes a part of the calcaneal bone to come away with the tendon. Complete rupture is characterized by a loud crack followed by inability to walk properly or rise on tiptoes. One of better known tests for complete rupture is the Thompson’s test. In this test, the patient is asked to lie on his stomach on a flat surface with the feet unsupported (hanging off the table). When the calf is squeezed and the foot moves, it means that a complete rupture is unlikely. In some cases, a confirmatory test is necessary.”