Abraham Lincoln on Leadership

Examines the leadership qualities of America’s first president.

This paper seeks to understand the basis for leadership that built the successful United States president, Abraham Lincoln. The paper discusses the values, ethics, creativity and intelligence this leader showed in his capacity to lead, and highlights the foundations on which this was built. The paper asserts that Abraham Lincoln expressed the values of leadership that are the prime examples of how great men should lead.
Lincoln, after all this and into his teens, considered pursuing several professions, including shop keeping and blacksmithing, but finally decided to study law and seek political office. Lincoln had miraculously educated himself in the law, as he had with mathematics and grammar, and in 1836 he passed the bar examination. Also, two years earlier, Lincoln had been elected on the Whig ticket to serve 4 terms in the Illinois State Legislature, from 1834 to 1841.
Lincoln then served one term in Congress from 1847 to 1849, but due to criticism of the Mexican War proved unpopular with the district’s voters. Lincoln was not reelected, and had been further disappointed when he was not named Commissioner of the General Land Office by Zachary Taylor. Lincoln then withdrew from politics for five years and returned to the legal profession in Springfield. However, in 1854, Lincoln became alarmed over Stephen A. Douglas, a political rival, who had introduced a bill that reopened the Louisiana Purchase to slavery. Lincoln was completely opposed to this bill, and reentered politics.”