A View From the Bottom: The Invisible Identity of Women in India

The current status of women in India as it pertains to their involvement in society and the barriers that they must confront due to gender discrimination.

This paper explores the treatment of women in India; how religion and education influence their lives and provides a historical explanation as to their current status. Contrasts western ideas with the philosophy of patriarchal dominance. Includes a discussion on how and why women retain the inferior roles in Indian society.
“Breathtaking beauty exists in the historic Himalayas, tombs and temples that liter the landscape; all are magnificent aspects of the exquisite country of India. Still, beneath the powering peaks and popular tourist destinations lies an ugly reality. India is a country in southern Asia, and is bound on the north by Afghanistan, China, Nepal, and Bhutan; on the east by Bangladesh, Myanmar and the Bay of Bengal; on the south by the Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannr and the Indian Ocean; and on the west by the Arabian Sea and Pakistan. India is divided into a total of 28 states and 7 union territories and New Delhi is the country’s capital. The land is composed various types of topography; everything from deserts to dunes and forests to fertile river plains. India has the second highest population of any country in the world. For many years it was composed of kingdoms and empires, but today it consists of many populous cities. The western world may see India in terms of its thriving urban areas filled with bustling businesses and people from every race, class and community, but what most don’t see is the fear and heartache that occupy many women’s faces.”