Youth and Values

Discusses the importance of positive values to modern young people.

This paper talks about the importance of teaching positive values to young people. The paper asserts that the values can be taught by examples, rules, and programs and that parents, schools, and the general community must all take responsibility for doing so.
“Modern young people are experiencing numerous problems. Many of these are related to values or a lack thereof. Social problems such as crime and diseases such as AIDS are primarily associated with youth. A lack of values also has repercussions for society in general. A young person with few strong values will inevitably turn into an adult and older person with few values. Society in general then declines and the cycle continues as older persons set unacceptable examples for the young. It is therefore vitally important to teach strong values to the youth, and the responsibility for this lies firstly in the parent, secondly in the education system, and thirdly in the general community.”