Women in Disney from 1937 to 1999

A discussion of the Disney heroine as a role model for young American girls.

This paper evaluates how the images of women depicted in movies can be excellent indicators of a society’s view of women in that time period and how a look at some of Disney’s well-known characters can give us insight into the expectations of women at the time each movie was produced. It analyzes the female lead characters from 13 different Disney films, including “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” “Cinderella,” “The Little Mermaid,” “Pocahontas,” and “Mulan.” It explores the themes of rescue, romantic attraction and reaction in times of adversity and shows how the disparity between the Disney heroines prior to 1960 and after 1989 could not be more obvious. The earlier female leads are weak and passive. They depend entirely on others to help save them when in trouble and their major priorities are cooking, cleaning, looking beautiful and waiting for their princes to come. The later female leads are strong and active. They actually play the role of hero and rescuer more frequently than the men.
“Snow White never for a moment considers defying the Evil Queen. She never refuses the chores that are forced upon her, never thinks of running away, and is innocent to the point of naivete. She completely trusts the huntsman who leads her into the woods to kill her, as well as the old woman who gives her the poisoned apple. It is her beauty alone that saves her, compelling the Prince to fall in love with her and kiss her. We have no evidence that she possesses any intelligence, wit, courage, or personal strength, but if she does, they are of no use to her. She is completely dependent on the help of others, and she is very childlike. Her voice is extremely high-pitched, and she runs after the Dwarfs’ approval like a small child seeking the approval of her parents.”