Winston Churchill

A paper which looks at Churchill’s influence on his nation and the world.

The paper looks at British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s life from his childhood until his death in 1965. The paper traces Churchill’s political career as it developed into a role of major leadership in the world. It describes his charisma and ability to rally British troops and inspire the British people to overcome severe adversity during WWII. It shows how Churchill’s was a great source of strength not just for the British, but also for the entire Allied forces and how his dogmatic views of victory became the corner stone of the entire British Armed Forces.
“When Winston Churchill was born on the thirtieth of November in 1874, no one ever dreamed that he would have such a significant impact on the British people (Churchill 1). As a school boy, he did not care for the school work given to him. He was interested in history, poetry and writing but the school tried to teach him mathematics and Latin (15). He was at the bottom of his class at Harrow, his grade school. He was later taught English instead of Latin because it was believed that he was too dumb to learn other languages (16). At the age of eighteen, after leaving Harrow, Churchill enrolled at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst (Rodgers 27). There, he found that Latin and Greek were not needed to be successful. He studied about tactics, fortification, topography, military law and military administration. He also learned gymnastics, drill and horseback riding (Churchill 21). It was at Sandhurst that Churchill gained a respect for strict military discipline (Rodgers 27).”