What Copan has Shown the World

This paper discusses the discoveries at the Mayan village of Copan and what researchers have learned about ancient Mayan life.

This paper discusses the explorations and discoveries made at Copan in Honduras. Long thought of as the greatest example of ancient Mayan culture, Copan has been a wellspring of discoveries for archaeologists. The paper shows that not only did archaeologists find the longest line of Mayan text on the Hieroglyphic Stairway, but they also found a temple buried under a newer temple that is still completely intact. Several tombs were discovered, telling the lineage of the Copanecan dynasty.
“The fascination with the Mayan civilization seems to grow greater as time goes on. Their ancient civilization seems far more advanced than what we today would expect of a people of that primitive time in history. Although there are many Mayan sites and cities spread throughout Central America, one of the most exciting cities to explore and discover the nature of the Mayan civilization is Copan. Copan serves as a great resource of Mayan information to both the scholar and the everyday fan of Mayan life.”