Trends in Electronics

Discusses the changes which have taken place in the electronic field and what the future holds for it.

Changes in electronics are part of the constantly shifting nature of all industries toward faster, leaner, more efficient solutions. The future of electronics is much like the future of all technologies. The need to pack more into smaller cases is driving much of the innovation in electronics. But, one of the realities that the industry will be quickly facing is that they do not have the same room for growth as characterized the industry ten years ago. The fact is that chips are moving toward their logical limits in miniaturization, wires, while getting smaller, still have to take up space, which, when you include millions of transistors on, for example, an LCD screen, you hit a physical limit. Electronics continues to move in the three above-named directions: smaller footprint, faster conductivity and greater reliability of components. This paper will focus on the trends and future of electronics.