Theoretical Explanations for Gang Participation

Describes some of the theories used to explain why youths decide to become gang members.

This paper looks at many of the theories that have been used to help explain the persistence of gangs in America and why so many youths are attracted to gang life. The paper also describes what are considered to be strong predictors of gang involvement and what types of programs exist in the United States to deal with the problem of gangs.
“Gangs have been in the United States since the late 1800’s. The first gangs were immigrants trying to acclimate to this new world. The streets of New York were infested with violence and crime. The gangs governed the streets. Gangs fought amongst one another for control and power. The most powerful gang controlled the revenue of the township. Gangs were greedy and would do anything to capitalize on those who feared them. There was mayhem and disorder. Things were so far out of control. Finally, the military was called to intervene. They had to take drastic measures to gain order. The military was successful in their efforts and a more civilized community was restored.”