The Victory of Martin Luther King’s Civil Disobedience

An overview of the campaigns of Civil Disobedience in the United States of the 60’s.

The paper examines Martin Luther King’s non-violent form of opposition, known as Civil Disobedience in the 1960s, in an attempt to put an end to racial segregation in Southern United States. It discusses the attempts of the likes of Wallace Faird, founder of the Nation of Islam movement, who pressed for a more violent uprising and who preached hatred and intolerance. The paper shows that the nonviolent direct action practiced and promoted by Martin Luther King, Jr. was the best option available to the Civil Rights movement in their quest for justice.

Foramt: Chicago Style
The period of human history in which was conducted the United States Civil Rights movement is oftentimes one of great debate. For the first time, the oppressed people of the South rose up as one to confront the daily challenges of segregation. From the multitude, there arose many great and controversial figures. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a preacher at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery in 1955. His role, as is widely known, in the United States Civil Rights Movement is perhaps the most pivotal of all Civil Rights leaders at the time. Indeed, his was a message quite different from his opposition. Leaders, like Malcolm X, constantly disagreed with his methods of non-violence.