The Splendor of Art

Examines the importance of art to society and humanity.

This paper looks at art’s significance to the development of human civilization. The paper notes the historical and cultural contributions, as well as its role as a form of entertainment and expression. The paper also points out how dreary life and society would be without the opportunity to view art and express ourselves through art.
Imagine a world of black and white. Ever since birth, you have wandered around this dull and dreary earth. You have never seen pictures with golden yellow rays of the sun, rich purples of a neighbor’s garden, or the deep blues of an ocean’s waters. Your ears have never heard musical compositions consisting of the lighthearted flute, the soothing violin, or the blazing trumpet. Never have you once opened a book for enjoyment, you only know books as elementary tools to aid you in your position in society. You have never laughed at comedy; it has never brought warmth or happiness to your heart. Your life has seemed to lack an essential element, one that can bring variation and excitement. You may feel a void inside, as all your life you’ve never been able to be passionate about anything, express yourself freely, or simply seek all that is beautiful.