The Catholic Church

A paper which argues that the Catholic Church has been unable to evolve together with its followers.

This paper describes the many problems that lie within the Catholic Church and discusses its refusal to evolve with its people. It shows several examples of Catholic teachings, such as the prohibition of contraception, which are irrelevant to our times. The paper also discusses the Catholic Church’s views on women and gays and mentions the sex scandals which have been exposed within the Church in recent years.
For most of my life every Sunday morning I found myself in a pew of my Church. Raised a strict Catholic I didn’t have much of a choice. It was attend Church or get out of the house. So off to Mass I would go. Just reminiscing about sitting in that that hot, stuffy, and uncomfortable place can make me irritable. Up until I was probably fifteen years of age I despised going to mass simply because I hated being uncomfortable and loosing precious Sunday morning sleep. It was sometime around fifteen years of age that I truly began to despise going to Church for reasons worth giving some thought to. Right around that time is when I actually started to listen to what the priests were saying in their homilies. I could not believe that I had to sit there and listen to these Priests attempt to force, what I considered grossly ignorant teachings, down my throat. Within the following two years, as I grew up and drew more of my own conclusions on the ways of the world I was forced, still, to attend those Mass’s. Each week I would sit in there and look around myself in disbelief. I couldn’t fathom the idea that the whole congregation was really that ignorant. Then one Sunday morning I went to a different church with my cousins for Mass. It was that Mass that hinted me toward the reality of the situation within the Catholic Community.