Technology Management

This paper discusses the five basic functions of technology management as applied to the Navy.

This paper discusses technology management performed by the first level and second level managers in the Navy. The paper discusses the five functional areas of management: Planning and Forecasting, Decision Making, Organizing, Leadership and Controlling. The author feels that, in view of these elements, his weakness are due to lack of experience but that he possesses strong leadership qualities and is an efficient planner and organizer.
“Planning is a crucial function for organization’s effectiveness. It enables the managers to establish goals and objectives on the basis of future estimates and anticipations. As a result of this, managers are able to give directions to their subordinates for the successful implementation of their plans. In addition to this, continuous change in the environment necessitates the planning activity, as the organizing cannot remain prosperous and successful without properly preparing to adapt with change. Planning can also be termed as an activity through which managers analyze the current performance and resources of the organization, so that they can effectively devise strategies for the future of the organization. One of the primary reason for which managers feel the need for planning is that the organization feels that it is presently not performing with the maximum efficiency or if the management feels that there is a room for further improvement. Although, planning is a continuous process, it can be developed with either a short term or long term perspective.”