Structural Failure Due to Fire

Explains the process by which a structure collapses from fire and talks about what can be done to slow the collapse.

This paper gives a complete explanation of structural failure caused by fire. The paper provides statistics about fires, describes current fireproofing and fire retardant technology, and flame retardant materials. In addition, the paper focuses on the individual measures and technological advancements made to the individual structural members, which can extend their life when exposed to heat and flame.
“The rate at which a structure experiences deformation and loss of structural integrity leading to building collapse does not proceed along a straight line. The Figure 1 below illustrates that during the three stages of a fire, 1) ignition and growth, 2) full development, and 3) decay, the rate at which the building will sustain loss increases as time increases. The longer a building is exposed to the fire, the more rapidly the structure moves from the stable, static system toward the dynamic state in which member failure, and structural collapse if imminent. For this reason, the technology of fire prevention focuses on prolonging the stable period of the individual members by reducing the effects of the fire on each individual member.”