Staff Training & Development Assignment

A report outlining a training plan for an Australian bank introducing new software; and examining the rationale behind the change.

The report outlines the training plan which is to be used in order to get the staff ready for the installation of new software. It addresses the rationale of the change and the projected benefits to staff and clients. It discusses plan designs, training methods and support systems being offered.
“An organization in the finance industry will shortly be implementing a new computer system to be used by its lending staff. The implementation of the system will occur in several stages with more features being added to the system with each new release. The creation of the system has occurred over the past 18 months and staff have received information about its progress along the way. The organization’s top management expects to see productivity gains as a result of the system. There is now only 6 weeks until the first rollout of the system is to be introduced and a training program needs to be designed for the frontline lending staff. The whole program will be gradually be released in 3 stages, the first with limited functionality until the whole system is built. Management has placed a restriction of a maximum 4 hours face to face training for each lender.”