Solar Sailor

A case study of the Solar Sailor, a Hybrid powered watercraft which reduces the impact on the environment.

This paper examines the Solar Sailor, a Hybrid powered watercraft which utilizes its sails as a means of also collecting solar power, so while the boat is being propelled by the wind the energy collected via the solar panels run the two extremely efficient electric motors. The Solar Sailor is very ecologically and environmentally friendly since the cost of running it is very low when compared to the cost of running a diesel-powered boat. The paper looks at potential uses of the craft and discusses relevant ethical issues such as the cost of the craft itself over the environmental advantages. It concludes with the impact of the Solar Sailor on society, particularly in Australia where it was invented such as a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and landscape protection.
“A 21 meter Solar Sailor costs around $3 million compared to $2 million for an equivalent diesel engine model. Even though over a 15 yr period taking into consideration fuel and maintenance costs the Solar Sailor works out to be considerably cheaper. The only thing that is stopping the Solar Sailor from becoming a worldwide success is the fact that the older style propulsion technologies enjoy a huge comfort zone, which is bolstered by the world’s fiscal policies and risk-averse conservatism. The view of Dane is that Until we start taxing people for carbon emissions, or taxing diesel for the costs it imposes on the environment, the attractions of these kinds of technologies will increase only slowly. Over time he hopes that his patience, hard economic numbers and the day-to-day performance of his Solar Sailor will win buyers over.”