Sigmund Freud’s Mourning and Melancholia

This paper reviews Sigmund Freud’s 1917 essay, titled `Mourning and Melancholia`, on how the human psyche deals with loss.

This paper discusses Freud’s belief that melancholia and mourning share many of the same surface traits but are very different. The author explains that Freud believed that mourning was a natural process but that melancholia was a pathological illness. The paper interjects other authors conclude that, although Freud’s theories have greatly influenced modern psychology, these theories have not been proven.
`In the death process, the dead may or may not find permanent rebirth, but one loses self-awareness and so achieves a temporary rebirth at least. In the mourning process, one must find rebirth. If they are unsuccessful, says Freud, they enter a cycle of melancholia instead.
Freud believes that, from early childhood, most people have a need to be artistic. He also says that a sense of loss enables an artist to see things differently. `