Shakespeare’s KIng Lear

This paper discusses deception in Shakespeare’s King Lear.

Act III Scene ii is one of the most important and strong scenes in King Lear. The atmosphere in this scene is rather depressive, hopeless and sometimes saddening. Lear who was once a great leader is a poor man through the rain and wind. He is moving aimlessly and hopelessly. In this act, Lear feels he is more sinned against than sinning as he says I am a man more sinned against than sinning. If we look from one specific viewpoint, his sufferings seem to be caused by significantly by Goneril and Regan. Obviously, if Lear had not misjudged Regan and Goneril, they would not have been able to show that cruelness towards him. Nevertheless, one must not forget that Lear has wrongfully banished the most loyal people to him – Cordelia and Kent.