Sexual Stamina

A look at the importance of sexual stamina.

This is a 10-page paper on how to increase sexual stamina and the underlying importance of the issue. The paper maintains that this is an important issue because sex is a natural need and a social issue in all nations. The paper also elaborates on this point stating that With different social backgrounds and different gender associations the frankness we have about sex changes but the basic need remains the same. Thus, the focus of the paper is on how we can improve out sexual stamina so that we can remain satisfied and satisfy our partner.
“The concept of sexuality is an issue that is pervasive and holds great power over all of us. The mystique surrounding the issue and the actual physical act is perceived with joy, need, desire, shame and embarrassment all at the same time. Different cultures have different perceptions of sexuality and the sexual act. For some it’s a mere need of procreation for others its an art in itself. Yet, no matter what the perception and what the associated values with it the fact is, that for every man and woman in this world, the act of sex is important. For the male it’s a symbol of their virility while for the woman the issue is more emotional. The conception of sex as a physical act bears great importance for the men and women in this world and thus, this paper will have a impact on the ideas associated with sex as understood by the society. Considering that sex is so vital an act it becomes imperative to understand the dynamics and then present the notion of how to improve sexual relations between two people so as to generally make a relations ship ‘sizzle’. That physical attraction is very important to any relationship cannot be undermined. Thus, there is the need for research in this area and my choice of the same as a topic.”