Rock vs. Bach

This compares the music of Rock with Bach.

In the comparative analysis of rock vs. Bach, there appears to be no recognizable competition between the two. The true audiences of the two forms of music are as extreme as mid-day and mid-night. There are some who fail to recognize Rock as music at all. They view this type of simple expression as not even related to music. The Rock advocates, on the other hand, often look upon their ancestral heritage as meaningless musical jive. There is also, admittedly, the m.o.r. (middle of the road) crowd, which seems to enjoy some of each of the before-mentioned music. These more broad-minded patrons are often seen attending the chamber music societies as well as the rock concerts.

When Bach was alive, he was well-known primarily as an organist, not as a composer. It took a hundred years for people to discover from his music what a great genius he was.