Religion in America

Argues that American society leans towards Christianity despite that fact that it promotes freedom of religion.

This paper argues that, while the United States has always claimed to be different, a “melting pot” of religion, founded on freedom of speech, and the freedom of religious choice. While it may be based on the idea of these freedoms, American society chiefly condones, promotes, and practices Christianity.
“Another example of the United States commitment to Christianity can be seen within the currency. On April 22, 1864, the United States currency format was altered to include the phrase “In God We Trust” (Fisher, 674). This decision was made based on the resounding public support offered to Reverend Henry Boardman, after his sermon stating “We claim to be a Christian nation” {we should} vindicate our character by honoring the God of Nations” (Fisher, 673). “In God We Trust” became the official United States motto in 1956 (“Origin of the United States National Motto,” 540). This motto completely ignores those not practicing a Christian faith.”