Relieving Paraguay’s Economic Challenges

Research proposal for a paper that will look at how international aid can help relieve Paraguay’s economic problems.

This paper is a research proposal for a study on Paraguay’s economic difficulties, with a focus on why the economy is falling deeper into poverty in spite of enormous attempts to relieve economic distress. The proposed research will attempt to bring some light to bear on the possible causes of this discrepancy, as well as offer some possibilities for changes, which, if completed, might increase the effectiveness of foreign aid in relieving Paraguayan poverty.
This is anomalous because, during the same period, 1990-2000, billions of US dollars poured into Paraguay. These were not merely credits and loans that would need to be repaid. They were also donations. At the same time, the presence of international economic and relief organizations was growing. Today, the UN operates virtually all it programs in Paraguay, and that organization is joined by JICA, CIDA, WB, UN (with all its programs), KFW, USAID, IADB and CE.