Realist Approach Name Institution Introduction English language learners perform poorly when it comes to a standardized paper test due to the vocabulary and their background knowledge

Realist Approach

English language learners perform poorly when it comes to a standardized paper test due to the vocabulary and their background knowledge. English learners need instruction practice that goes further past the development on logical foundation skills. The reason why teaching reading comprehension is of high significance is highlighted by challenges that English language learners go through. Several random trials were conducted in order to conclude the effectiveness of content gaining and understanding conception intervention with eighth graders who study the English language (In Santi, et al., 2015). This study came to a conclusion that English language learners have a continuing problem even past elementary school. The growth from one level to another which increases the sophistication of English language forces English tutors to make use of the instruction based practice which is favorable to all students including English language learners. Several measures were put in place in order to get findings based on the English language as well as the solution to the problem.
Research Question and hypotheses
The study was to determine the problems facing English language learners and non-English language learners. Adolescent English language learners who have a different language other than English struggle with weak academic trajectories.
Research Question in the study was; Is there a statistical major variance in social studies understanding as exhibited by social studies knowledge and comprehension testing using eighth graders who were educated with treatment compared to those who were educated using comparison conditions?.
The null hypothesis in the study was that there is no significant difference in social studies vocabulary between learners who are taught with the within teacher based design comparison condition employed and the within teacher based treatment condition employed. Both conditions employed instructional practices but with different measures. The alternative hypothesis was that there is a statistically significant difference between English language learners who were given the comparison and treatment conditions.
The independent variable was the learners who were both English and non-English language learners. The dependent variable in the study was based on the in-depth instructional practices that were employed in the two conditions. The treatment condition teacher’s employed instructional practices to both the English language learners and the non-English learners, that included the knowledge acquisition, comprehension canopy, and team-based learning and essential words. The comparison class used the basic instructional practices that were not in depth as the treatment condition class.
Review of literature
English being the most common language in most if not all schools deserve to be well taught for both English learners and non-English learners. For students whose first language is not English, there can be a huge obstacle in the teaching of knowledge and comprehension. Such students need language support services and special attention in order to learn how to communicate and read as well. Not only are the English language learners showing difficulties in knowledge and comprehension but also the non-English language learners. English learners perform poorly in phonics due to the inability to differentiate between two similar words. The importance of the other classmates in previous studies have shown that the students improve their learning progress especially with non-English learners (Calderon, 2007). The positive outcome is especially when the non-English learners have been taught on how to embrace the English learners and also teach them some common words through their daily interaction.
Previous researchers have put their focus on the issue of first language and inability of the native English learners to easily understand the language. However, this study has proven that a step by step procedure can be able to curb the problem with English learners and be able to sail in the same boat with non-English learner through communicating and interacting (Vaughn et al., 2017). Effective use of the English language was proved to be predominantly used by English language learners who usually come upon new words and are afraid to be linguistic in nature. The fear of engaging in a conversation with the native English speakers also hindered the progress of English language learners in studying. The complexity of English learners to learn how to read is really demanding especially to native speakers. Therefore, the need for the development of vocabulary is important in improving English language speaking to English language learners.
Research Design, sampling, and instrumentation
The design employed in this research was the use of randomized eighth-grade trials by modifying the version of promoting adolescent comprehension of text (PACT) through intervention in the reading of comprehension and content acquisition. The PACT included former English learners and present English learners. The same social studies content were delivered by teachers in different classes. One class was taught PACT comparison and the other was taught treatment condition. The participants of the study were taken from different district schools which had a high number of English learners (Mckenny, et al., 2018). Also, teacher participants in the two instructional based conditions were history teachers who helped in the implementation of treatment classes with researchers and continued with comparison classes. The teachers were from different races and had experiences either less than a year or not more than 34 years’ experience. The participating students were randomly assigned with a teacher in a history class in different condition based instructional practice.
The sampling of participants mainly included three school district in the southeast and southwest where there was a large number of English language learners. The sampling also included non-English language learners so as to get the best outcome in terms of the conditions necessary for a positive performance trajectory to the English language learners. Studying the different methods of instructional practice gave a feedback according to the performance of different English learners and non-English learners in different conditions of being taught. Learners who had a treatment based instructional practice had good performance while those that had comparison treatment had poor trajectories.
The use of three-level regression models to make an estimation of parameters and evaluation of the existing difference was employed. The outcomes such as those that English learners who received PACT treatment outperformed the English learners in the BAU comparison class. More than half the number of student participants had a different language other than English as their first language (Vaughn et al., 2017). Vietnamese is spoken by 2% of the English language learners, Hmong spoken by about 1%, Korean 1%, Chinese 1%, and other percentage is occupied by the 400 languages which are found to be less than 1% of the total English language learners’ population of participants.
Both English learners and non-English learners who received the treatment based instructional practice outperformed the students who received the comparison based instructional practice. The number of English language learners was more than half the number of participants (Calderon, 2007). This is due to the fact that most English language learners have a different native language as their first language Bilingual education has a different fundamental from the English language in the sense that there is a totally different amount of instruction in both reading and other subjects.
English language learners are expected to speak and learn English right from the beginning whereas there is no role played by their native language (Guthrie, 2008). This has proven the reason slow English learning and poor performance which poses a huge obstacle in the acquisition of English reading and speaking skills because the English language learners cannot cope in an all English classroom.
The study revealed that the treatment based instructional procedure gave the English learners a higher knowledge and ability to know how to read and communicate using the English language. Although the procedure is not an instant happening, it gives a progress to the English learner. The treatment based intervention applies five procedures which take approximately 20 weeks. All these components act as supplement towards each other in the betterment of the English language to the learner (August, 2007). These components are comprehension canopy, essential words, and knowledge acquisition through text reading, TBL comprehension check, and TBL knowledge application.
Comprehension canopy is a student teacher involved procedure which comprises of integration of new content to students and building up the purpose of reading. This component is the guide to every other unit of the procedure. It takes about 10-15 minutes. In this component, the teacher typically needs to engage the learners fully so that concentration and interest are built (August, et al., 2015). The essential words component aims at improving the knowledge of the student through introducing five new words every unit so that the English learners can connect with the content and support the new learning. The essential word employs the use of student-friendly definitions and in most cases real-life examples.
Knowledge acquisition through text reading unites the two initial intervention procedures and ends up retaining knowledge learned through reading a text inclusive of the word taught. In this context, the teacher reinforces essential words and he or she connects the words to the comprehension canopy. TBL comprehension checks employ the use of university practice where the teacher makes formative checks in order to examine whether there is progress in the understanding of the English learners (Heritage, et al., 2015). In this component, students exercise verbally through speaking and also through the writing of English words as they develop into knowing how to write full sentences. The TBL comprehension checks also stress both teamwork and individual work through games and individual learning.
Finally, the TBL knowledge application which requires the application of learned knowledge through communication and problem-solving. The knowledge application is facilitated by group work and tasks assigned to each group of four English learners (Jacobson, et al., 2011). They apply their learned knowledge through the sharing of concepts and making use of the text proof form to talk about the task assigned. The teacher in this context ends the activity by synthesizing key information and prepares the students for the final assessment.
Intervention procedures of the treatment based instructional procedure have more positive outcomes in more than three-quarters of the English language learners (Swanson, et al., 2015). The few who in most cases research proves that slag behind is normally the ones with disabilities and also those that have mental disorders. However, these treatment based interventions have not been employed by all the schools but there are several attempts to make the intervention applicable to all middle schools.
Although the study on improving content knowledge and comprehension may have given a solution on curbing the problems faced by English language learners and teachers, there are some limitations that hinder the effectiveness of the study (Fooraman, 2016). First, the study was conducted using a few district schools. Therefore the effectiveness of the study may only be to these schools. Also, the lack of sufficient participants in the study also limited some findings (Heritage, et al., 2015). This brought about the inability to measure English proficiency because there was an insufficiency in participating for both first and second language. English language learners face challenges that are due to lack of access to professionally trained English educators, curricula and competent students.
Concluding Comment
The research employed required skills in design, sampling, and instrumentation in order to achieve at the desired outcome. However, the sampling was based on a few schools which might not give a positive response to the outcome because there is little or no awareness to other schools that were not involved. Therefore, the English language learners, participants of the study both the learners and the teachers should increase awareness on how to improve the English language knowledge to all other learners who are facing problems in knowledge and comprehension.

August, D., ; Shanahan, T. (2017). Developing literacy in second-language learners: Report of the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth. Routledge.
Caldero?n, M. (2007). Teaching reading to English language learners, grades 6-12: A framework for improving achievement in the content areas. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Foorman, B. (2016). Challenges to Implementing Effective Reading Intervention in Schools, CAD 154.
Guthrie, J. T. (2008). Engaging adolescents in reading. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Heritage, M., Walqui, A., ; Linquanti, R. (2015). English language learners and the new standards: Developing language, content knowledge, and analytical practices in the classroom.
In Santi, K. L., ; In Reed, D. K. (2015). Improving reading comprehension of middle and high school students.
Jacobson, J., Johnson, K., ; Lapp, D. (2011). Effective instruction for English language learners: Supporting text-based comprehension and communication skills. New York: Guilford Press.
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Swanson, E., Wanzek, J., Vaughn, S., Roberts, G., ; Fall, A. M. (2015). Improving reading comprehension and social studies knowledge among middle school students with disabilities. Exceptional Children, 81(4), 426-442.
Vaughn, S., Martinez, L. R., Wanzek, J., Roberts, G., Swanson, E., ; Fall, A. M. (2017). Improving content knowledge and comprehension for English language learners: Findings from a randomized control trial. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(1), 22.
Vaughn, S., Roberts, G., Swanson, E. A., Wanzek, J., Fall, A. M., ; Stillman-Spisak, S. J. (2015). Improving middle-school students’ knowledge and comprehension in social studies: A replication. Educational Psychology Review, 27(1), 31-50.