Real Estate and Human Resources

Examines the role of human resource personnel in a real estate agency setting.

Human resource management at any firm requires the negotiating between different personalities. However, because of the daily nature of real estate as a profession and the need to forestall personality conflicts between employees and sellers, this becomes particularly critical in the real estate profession. This paper examines the role of human resources in real estate firms. It also provides recommendations for a real estate firm when setting up an HR department.
“Furthermore, as individuals become more tempted to sell homes themselves, either as independent agents or by using the internet, real estate firms must work particularly hard in today’s climate to make a case for the need for their profession, and the need for an agent as a crucial middleperson in negotiating a fair and equitable sale, as well as informing prospective sellers and buyers of any particular property of the value of said purchase. In fact, the internet has proved helpful in some respects to the industry, as ?advances in telecommunications and the ability to retrieve data on properties over the Internet allows many real estate brokers and sales agents to work out of their homes, instead of real estate offices.? (U.S. Department of Labor, Real Estate, 2004)”