Prisons as Social Institutions

Studies prisons and the objectives of prisons and then argues that imprisonment does not meet those objectives.

Prison is an institution that society creates to confine people convicted of breaking the law. It is designed to be an institution that deters people from committing crimes, punishes and rehabilitates criminals, and protects the public by keeping dangerous offenders off the streets. It is important to study this social organization to gauge whether the manner in which society deals with criminality via prison is effective. In light of the evidence, it appears that the objectives of imprisonment do not match their desired effects. Prison has an economic basis and punishes crimes that are often committed by the poor. In many respects, the real criminality is committed by society, which criminalizes the poor by not allowing them the opportunity toward self-empowerment. Moreover, prison subtly supports established institutions, because by focusing on individual wrongs, it takes away attention from the inequity in social institutions.