Pablo Neruda

A biographical essay on the poet, Pablo Neruda, including a comprehensive discussion of his popularity as a poet and his poetical style.

This paper analyzes Pablo Neruda’s original use of imagery in his poems and his incorporation of the theme of nature. These issues are investigated in detail, in an attempt to determine what makes Neruda such a successful and popular poet. Neruda’s popularity will be shown to be due to his focus on writing for the people. The paper presents Neruda’s goal, which was to communicate the human experience and his use of imagery and nature are both aspects that helped him achieve this goal.

Table of Contents
Use of Imagery
Use of Nature
A Poet for the People
Works Cited
The poet Pablo Neruda was a favorite poet for many and his works continue to be popular today. Neruda is best known for two things: his original use of imagery and his use of nature in his poems. It is these two qualities, combined with his themes, that make his poems original and significant. By his original use of imagery, his poems are both startling and effective and by his incorporation of nature theme’s he offers poems that clearly communicate with all people.