Overview and Analysis of Kinds of Minds

A study of “Kinds of Minds” by philosopher Daniel C. Dennett.

This analytical research paper presents a detailed review of the western masterpiece “Kinds of Minds” by Daniel C. Dennett on the cognitive science of human minds. The paper presents overview of the eminent writer’s life; it summarizes the content of the writing, and then critically analyzes the book. The paper illustrates the philosopher’s concepts of intentionality and brain functioning of humans. It shows how human brains different and superior to the brain of the animals. The author adds the cognitive dimension of language is enriched by human emotion, which aids our communication as a whole.

Table of Contents:
Overview of Author
Educational Qualifications and Teaching Career
Published Articles
Books Written on Human Mind
Lectures and Fellowships
Contemporary Status
Summary of the Kinds of Minds: Toward an Understanding of Consciousness
Analysis of the Kinds of Minds: Toward an Understanding of Consciousness
Works Cited
“The fields of literature and research are the ever-flourishing disciplines. With various researchers, experts and other prominent figures including writers producing remarkable works based on extensive research, expertise, experience and relentless efforts, literature is making unmeasured and unbelievable advancement with every sketching moment. Like many writers, one personality that has made a mark in the western literature and one name that often emerges in research and literature pertaining to human mind and behavior is Daniel C. Dennett. The following passage of our research paper will present an overview of the renowned writer of the marvelous book, The Kinds of Minds: Towards an understanding of Consciousness.”