Organizing Function of Management

This paper discusses the organizing function of business, which is defined as establishing the internal organizational structure of the business.

This paper explains that the organizing function comprises of a series of activities related to human resources management, including the process of hiring resources (who are the best people for the job), the organizational chart (assigned different positions to the people on the team), and motivating the employees (performance appraisal, compensation and wages). The paper points out that the types of structures are product-oriented structures, geographically-oriented, or matrix structures. The paper clarifies the chain of command; each project manager (coordinator of the team) is responsible for his team and answers to the general manager of the company.
“Further detailing the organizational structure and referring to Max Weber, the author describes the three basic elements of an organizational structure. These are “structure as designated by the Organizational Chart, a division of labor and scalar relationship”. Let’s have a brief look at each of them. The first is basically a pyramid that shows the top managers (of whom there are very few), the middle managers (of whom there are a few more), and the 1st-line or supervisory managers (of whom there are a few more). Then, at the bottom of the heap, are the rest of the employees. After creating the organizational chart (which is basically the foundation of the organizational process), the division of labor will ensure the fact that each employee does the job he is best at- it is important that each employee knows his particular job.”