On the Right Track

An analysis of the arguments against tracking of low-ability math students.

This paper examines a crucial problem in American education, poor student performance, specifically in math and science. The paper focuses on the method of tracking or grouping, and provides arguments against this method. The paper proposes a study in order to find a successful solution to the problem. The proposed study is outlined, including the desired outcome.
“Poor student performance is one of the most pressing problems in American education today. In particular, math and science scores lag behind those of other developed nations. Without a proper understanding of math, and mathematical concepts, today’s students will find themselves unable to compete in an increasingly technological world. They will not be able to find jobs, nor will American industry be able to compete successfully against its foreign counterparts. Though an essential part of the educational process, the how-to of improving students’ mathematical skills remains problematic. Numerous approaches have been tried, but not all have been successful. It is for this reason, that the following study is being proposed.”