Nietzsche on Good and Evil

A review of Freidrich Nietzsche’s philosophy of good and evil.

The paper discusses Nietzsche’s writings on “good and evil” and on the “master and slave” morality. The paper then explains how Nietzsche criticizes Christianity as being morally corrupt and inconsistent in its teachings. The paper provides examples to demonstrate how many of Nietzsche’s values can still apply to people today.
Nietzsche wrote about two forms of morality. Master morality involves the distinction between good and bad. Slave morality uses the distinction between good and evil (Oslington 2). Master morality describes good as excellence or flourishing. For instance, if the master is excelling at work and has strengths to achieve his goals, then it is good. While bad can be described as being weak or unsuccessful in achieving goals or achieving what he has to accomplish. Good and bad are for a time equivalent to noble and base, master and slave (Oslington 2).
The morality of the slave caste, who are poor, sick, and unhappy, and are oppressed and made to suffer by their masters. They see life as something bad and wrong and identify the masters as evil for enjoying life in all their health and riches (Terms 1). They see themselves as good because they have to suffer. While slave morality defines their masters as weak or powerless or evil. Weakness or powerlessness in a slave is defined as good.”